Personal insurance also commonly referred to as personal liability or personal umbrella insurance can give one added liability protection without a large added cost. Additional liability insurance is often inexpensive, especially compared to the added coverage one gains. Furthermore, liability insurance covers one's non-business activities anywhere in the world. Having the added protection of a personal insurance policy is coverage no one should go without.
Personal insurance acts as protection once your other policies such as auto insurance, homeowners, and etc. have been exhausted. In cases where personal insurance is not purchased, causing an accident can result in your surrender of all your material goods in order to assess their value. Most often the property is assessed is the home you own, cars and boating goods. Other property like jewelry and assets may also be part of the pot a person in a lawsuit can claim. Additionally, a portion of your salary may need to go to any successful claimants for many years, if not for the rest of your life.
With an personal insurance policy, depending on the insurance company, one can add an additional 1-5 million in liability protection. Since no one can predict how much a judge may award the injured person, umbrella insurance is not just for the wealthy anymore, but a needed protection for most.